
Explore the national and international research consortia in which we collaborate with a wide range of partner institutions.



The ELSA lab AI4Access investigates the application of new language technologies to make important information and public services more accessible for people with limited hearing or reading abilities.
TU Delft, Universiteit Leiden, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Beeld & Geluid, Reading and Writing Foundation, Accessibility Foundation, Foundation ABC, Probiblio, Nederlands Gebaren Centrum, Alliantie Digitaal Samenleven, Dedicon, Amberscript, Sioux Technologies, Envision, Heren van Design, Dropstuff Media B.V., Universiteit van Amserdam.

LSG representative: Floris Roelofsen


Mercury Machine Learning Lab

The Mercury Machine Learning Lab is a collaboration between University of Amsterdam, Delft University of Technology and The lab focuses on the development and applications of artificial intelligence to the specific domain of online travel booking and recommendation service systems.
Delft University of Technology,, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
LSG representatives: Wilker Aziz, Ivan Titov


The European network for Argumentation and Public PoLicY analysis (APPLY) improves the way European citizens understand, evaluate and contribute to public decision-making on such matters of common concern as climate change or energy policies. Addressing this need from a multidisciplinary perspective on argumentation, the APPLY Action identifies gaps between the citizens’, policymakers’ and scholarly experts’ argumentation, and explores ways of treating them.

More than a hundred European universities.

LSG representative: Federico Gobbo, Jean Wagemans



National digital infrastructure for the humanities.

Huygens, DANS, INL, Universiteit Leiden, VU Amsterdam, Universiteit Utrecht, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Radboud Universiteit, Universiteit Twente, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Open Universiteit, Universiteit Maastricht, KB National Library of the Netherlands, Beeld & Geluid, ISG, Max Plack Institute for Psycholinguistics, eScience center, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

LSG representatives: Arianna Betti, Antal van den Bosch


Golden Agents

Creating a Digital Infrastructure study relations and interactions between producers and consumers of creative goods.

Institutes of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands and the Meertens Institute), Universieit Utrecht, VU Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, KB National Library of the Netherlands, City Archives of Amsterdam, RKD Netherlands Institute for Art History, Lab1100, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

LSG representative: Arianna Betti


GoURMET: Global under resourced media translation

GoURMET is a Horizon 2020 project whose aim is to use and improve neural machine translation for low-resource language pairs and domains. Our objectives include to develop tools for media analysts and journalists with use cases such as content creation and media monitoring.
University of Edinburgh, University of Alicante, and the public service broadcasters BBC and DW, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
LSG representative: Wilker Aziz


InDeep: Interpretating Deep Learning Models for Text and Sound

We develop and study interpretability methods for deep learning models for text, translation, speech and music. These methods aim to “open the blackbox” of these models, to allow us to generate explanations, to inspect and audit models, to incorporate existing expertise and for users to adapt these models to their needs.
KPN, Aigent, Textkernel, Global textware, Floodtags, TNO, Muzieum, Waag, Chordify, Universiteit van Amserdam.

LSG representative: Ashley Burgoyne, Jelle Zuidema


Infrastructure for SSH research on Sign Language of the Netherlands

This project aims to make significant contributions to the digital infrastructure that is needed for researchers in the Humanities and the Social Sciences to investigate the sign language of the Netherlands (Nederlandse Gebarentaal, NGT).
Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Groningen, Tilburg University, Leiden University, Nederlands Gebarencentrum, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

LSG representatives: Floris Roelofsen, Marloes Oomen


Language in Interaction

The overarching quest of the programme is to account for, and understand, the balance between universality and variability at all relevant levels of the language system and the interplay with different cognitive systems, such as memory, action, and cognitive control.
Radboud, UvA, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, UMC Utrecht, Leiden, Tilburg, Maastricht, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

LSG representatives: Raquel Fernández, Jelle Zuidema



The project partners will develop, implement and evaluate state-of-the-art safe and transparent chat-based conversational AI agents based on state-of-the-art neural architectures. The focus is on lesser resourced tasks, domains, and scenarios.

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Radboud Universiteit, Universiteit Leiden, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Ahold Delhaize, Achmea, Albert Heijn,, KPN, Rasa, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

LSG representatives: Raquel Fernández


LITHME: Language in the Human-Machine Era

LITHME is a COST Action network with members from every EU member state plus a number of other countries outside the EU, which aims to facilitate and enhance dialogue between linguists and technology developers.

More than 300 partners in 52 countries.

LSG representative: Federico Gobbo


VICI eIdeas

Creating a Computational Methodology for the History of Ideas.

OCLC, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

LSG representatives: Arianna Betti, Yvette Oortwijn